Contact Improvisation Week Nine

Monday 24th November 2014 – Week Nine

In today’s session we got into our groups that we are in for open studios next Thursday evening. For our score we decided to go with space as our component. The following rules as part of the score are:

  • Ask the audience to pick a number between one and ten.

  • Odd number means you start standing and even number means you start on the floor.

  • You have to dance with the amount of people your chosen number was, eg four.

  • Once you have danced with the number of people you were given, you step out of the jam and watch until you see two lifts happen inside the jam.

  • Once you have seen two lifts you enter back into the space continuing with the jam, aiming to dance with the number of people you got given by the audience member.

  • If two people get left in the space at any time, the other members have to make a corridor around the two members left in the space. Once the corridor members had seen two lifts they could then enter back into the space and start to improvise again.

  • Once we feel the score has come to an end, one by one we will improvise towards the audience and sit looking in at the jam. There should be a duet left in the space at the end.

With our score I feel like it is very strong and within the designated time slots to practice I feel like we will accomplish our score and will be able to improve it for when we perform it next Thursday. During the session, we mainly just spoke about what worked and what didn’t. We also just kept running through the score and assuring people understood all the concepts.

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