Contact Improvisation Week One

Week One – Monday 22nd September 2014

In today’s session we talked about what would be happening on the course and how the lessons would be played out. We did an exercise about improvising through the space using three strategies, pressing, rolling and sliding. This exercise was a good starter of getting used to the floor and use it as a guide to help us move into partners and be comfortable moving in the space. During this task I found myself moving on the floor a lot, maybe because this is my comfort zone? The thing that confused me throughout this session was the constant word tone. What is tone? The thoughts going through my mind were trying to answer this question about what I thought tone is. It could mean the difference of dynamics we use or the speed variation. This session has helped me get into a good mind frame for the weeks to come of the sessions and the jams.
In the jam on Wednesday 24th September 2014 we just did a lot of improvising and getting used to the energy in the room. This helped me connect more to what I was doing, making me relax deeper into my body. It also helped that the lights were switched off, as this created a calm, more relaxed mood. It felt like no one cared what they were doing.


Why is the floor such a natural place for me to move along?

What actually is tone?

How does contact improvisation differ from just normal improvisation?

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